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This lab exercise will introduce you RevBayes, the successor to MrBayes. We will be using RevBayes v1.1.1 on the cluster in this lab.

This lab will parallel the MrBayes lab you explored just before Spring Break. You will find that, compared to MrBayes, RevBayes is quite different in terms of setting up analyses. You will need to specify every detail explicitly in your RevBayes script, including the model, the moves (i.e. algorithms used to choose new parameter values), and the monitors (output saved to the screen or file). This level of detail is, albeit, a bit tedious, but the flexibility that it provides is one of RevBayes strengths. RevBayes is not limited to canned analyses; it is possible for you do to analyses in RevBayes using models that no one has used before!

Template for recording answers

Here is the template to use for recording your answers to the :thinking: thinking questions.

1. Looking at the output from the print statement that shows the Q matrix, how can you tell this is a JC69 rate matrix (instead of, say, an HKY85 rate matrix)?

2. What do you think would be the effect of forgetting to specify any moves for a parameter?

3. Why did we not specify any moves or a prior for Qmatrix?

4. How many parameters are currently in your model, and how many of each type of parameter are there?

5. How many deterministic nodes are currently in your model? What are their names?

6. Explain the downward spikes you see in the posterior trace? (Note: there are actually four such spikes, but the first is difficult to see because it is right at the left edge of the plot.)

7. What would you specify for the mcmc combine option if you wanted the samples from all four runs to be blended together rather than concatenated sequentially?

8. Are the chlorophyll b taxa together in the map tree?

9. What is the posterior clade probability of the chlorophyll b clade?

10. What is the posterior probability of the chlorophyll b clade now that we've accommodated rate heterogeneity?

11. Why do we need to create a deterministic node this time rather than a constant node (note that the JC Qmatrix was a constant node)?

12. What is the posterior probability of the chlorophyll b clade under the GTR+I+G model?

Getting started

Login to your account on the Health Center (Xanadu) cluster, then issue

srun --qos=mcbstudent --partition=mcbstudent --mem=5G --pty bash

to start a session on a node that is not currently running jobs.

Important The --mem=5G part is important for this lab, as RevBayes uses more than the default amount (128 MB) of memory sometimes.

Create a directory

Use the unix mkdir command to create a directory to play in today:

mkdir rblab

Load the RevBayes module

You will need to load the RevBayes/1.1.1 module in order to use RevBayes:

module load RevBayes/1.1.1

You can now type either RevBayes or just rb to start the program:

bash-4.2$ rb

RevBayes version (1.1.1)
Build from tags/1.1.1 (rapture-588-gae00cc) on Wed Mar 23 17:16:21 UTC 2022

Visit the website www.RevBayes.com for more information about RevBayes.

RevBayes is free software released under the GPL license, version 3. Type 'license()' for details.

To quit RevBayes type 'quit()' or 'q()'.

Download and save the data file

If you still have your mblab folder from last time, you can just copy the data file over as follows:

cd ~/rblab
cp ../mblab/algaemb.nex .

The dot on the end of that last line is important, as is the space before it. That lines says to copy the algaemb.nex file from the mblab directory (the .. means to back up one level in the directory hierarchy) to the current directory (.).

If you’ve wiped out your folder from lab time, you can easily get the data file from the server again. Start by using cd to go into the rblab folder, then use the curl command (“Copy URL”) to download the file:

cd ~/rblab
curl -O https://gnetum.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/phylogenetics/lab/algaemb.nex

Creating a RevBayes script

RevBayes (unlike MrBayes) does not define its own block type for use inside #NEXUS data files. You will need to instead create a plain text file containing RevBayes commands called a RevBayes script. RevBayes scripts use a computer language (similar to R) for conducting phylogenetic analyses.

Let’s create a RevBayes script to carry out an MCMC analysis.

Use nano to create a file (I’m assuming you are currently in the ~/rblab folder where your data file is located.

nano jc.Rev

The .Rev file name extension is conventional, but not required.

Read the data file

Enter the following text and then save the file:

# Read in sequence data for both genes
data = readDiscreteCharacterData("algaemb.nex")

# Get some useful variables from the data. We need these later on.
ntaxa <- data.ntaxa()
nedges <- 2 * ntaxa - 3
taxa <- data.taxa()

# Print to check if things are working
print("ntaxa  = ", ntaxa)
print("nedges = ", nedges)
print("taxa:", taxa)


Now run this script in RevBayes as follows:

rb jc.Rev

Lines that begin with a hash (#) character are comments. RevBayes will completely ignore anything on a line after a hash, so use comments to make notes. You will thank yourself later.

Note how we’ve used the print function to show what is contained in a particular variable. Good for sanity checks to make sure everything is going how you thought.

Create a substitution model

Append the following to your script (above the line containing quit(), obviously) to specify a substitution model:

# Substitution Model #

# Create a constant variable for the rate matrix
Qmatrix <- fnJC(4)

print("Q matrix: ", Qmatrix)

This tells RevBayes to create a Jukes-Cantor instantaneous rate matrix with 4 states and store it in the variable Qmatrix. Note that you can use any variable name you want; I’ve used Qmatrix here because the letter Q is commonly used for instantaneous rate matrices.

Run your revised script in RevBayes now.

:thinking: Looking at the output from the print statement that shows the Q matrix, how can you tell this is a JC69 rate matrix (instead of, say, an HKY85 rate matrix)?

Add a tree model

The tree model specifies a prior for tree topology as well as a prior for edge lengths. We will also use this section to specify proposals (called moves in RevBayes) for modifying both tree topology and edge lengths.

# Tree model #

out_group = clade("Anacystis_nidulans")

# Prior distribution on the tree topology
topology ~ dnUniformTopology(taxa, outgroup=out_group)

moves = VectorMoves()
moves.append( mvNNI(topology, weight=ntaxa) )
moves.append( mvSPR(topology, weight=ntaxa*2.0) )

# Edge length prior
for (i in 1:nedges) {
    edge_length[i] ~ dnExponential(10.0)
    moves.append( mvScale(edge_length[i]) )

TL := sum(edge_length)
psi := treeAssembly(topology, edge_length)

print("TL = ",TL)
print("edge_length: ",edge_length)
print("psi: ",psi)

Add this to your jc.Rev script just above the quit() line and re-run it in RevBayes.

The code above specifies a discrete uniform prior on tree topology (every possible tree topology has equal prior probability).

We’ve added two moves that affect tree topology. First, we created an empty vector called, simply, moves to hold all the moves we specify. Second, we added an NNI move that is similar to the Larget-Simon move disussed in lecture. Third, we added an SPR move that can take potentially larger steps in tree space than an NNI move. Note that NNI moves will be attempted in proportion to the number of taxa and SPR moves will be attempted twice as often, on average, as NNI moves.

We’ve placed an Exponential(10) prior on each edge length. Note that, in this section, we’re making use of the variables ntaxa and nedges that we created right after reading in the data. We’ve also added a Scale move for each edge length parameter.

The variable that we’ve named TL holds the tree length (sum of edge lengths) and the variable that we’ve named psi combines the topology and edge lengths to create a complete tree.

:thinking: What do you think would be the effect of forgetting to specify any moves for a parameter?

:thinking: Why did we not specify any moves or a prior for Qmatrix?

RevBayes assignment operators

You may have noticed that different symbols are used when making different kinds of assignments.

The tilde (~) is used to assign a probability distribution to a variable. Thus, edge_length[i] ~ dnExponential(10.0) says to assign the probability distribution Exponential(10) to the ith edge length parameter. This type of assignment creates a stochastic node in the model graph, which I will describe soon.

A deterministic node in the model graph (model graphs are explained below) is created using the operator :=. For example, we defined TL := sum(edge_length), which says that the variable TL is not itself a model parameter but is instead a function of model parameters (in this case, a function of all edge length parmeters). Note that the value of TL will change automatically whenever any edge length changes. Variables created using := should never be assigned moves or priors because they themselves are not model parameters, only functions of model parameters.

An arrow symbol (<-) is used for assignments that create a constant node. We used this assignment operator when we created the instantaneous rate matrix variable Qmatrix. Qmatrix is not a stochastic node because it is not a parameter (its elements never change). It is not a deterministic node because it does not represent a function of any model parameters. It is instead a constant part of the infrastructure of the model, much like the constant 10 used in defining the Exponential prior for edge lengths.

An equal sign (=) is used for assignments that do not fall into any of the categories above. For example, we created an empty vector to hold moves using moves = VectorMoves() and specified an outgroup taxon for purposes of displaying trees using out_group = clade("Anacystis_nidulans").

The PhyloCTMC node puts everything together

# PhyloCTMC #

# Specify the probability distribution of the data given the model
likelihood ~ dnPhyloCTMC(tree=psi, Q=Qmatrix, type="RNA")

# Attach the data

dnPhyloCTMC is a probability distribution (hence the tilde used in the assignment) for the data conditional on the model. The clamp function assigns data to each leaf in the tree. Remember that the variable data was created in the first non-comment line of our script from the contents of the algaemb.nex file.

The model graph (DAG)

A directed, acyclic graph (DAG) can be used to portray a statistical model. Add these lines to your RevBayes script (again, just above quit()) and run it again.

# Create model 
mymodel = model(psi)

# Create DAG in the form of a dot file
mymodel.graph("mymodel.dot", TRUE, "white")

When RevBayes has finished running, use cat to view the mymodel.dot file:

cat mymodel.dot

Copy the entire contents of the file mymodel.dot to your clipboard, open the GraphvizFiddle web page, and paste what you have on your clipboard into the DOT input box (be sure to completely replace the text already present in the box). Now press the Draw button and scroll down.

GraphvizFiddle should now show a graphical depiction of your model as it currently exists. Note that stochastic nodes (i.e. model parameters) are displayed as solid ovals, constant nodes are shown with solid boxes, and deterministic nodes are shown in dashed ovals.

:thinking: How many parameters are currently in your model, and how many of each type of parameter are there?

:thinking: How many deterministic nodes are currently in your model? What are their names?

Important Make sure that the mymodel = model(psi) and the mymodel.graph(...) lines come last (right before quit()), otherwise mymodel will not include the likelihood and your MCMC analysis will just explore the prior. In other words, add the PhyloCTMC section before the create and plot model section in your jc.Rev script.

Ready for MCMC

We’ve now completely specified the model, so all that’s left is to create some monitors so that results are saved and set up the mcmc command. Add these lines just above the quit() line. We’re done setting up the model, so it is OK to add these lines below the mymodel assignment statement.

# MCMC Analysis #

# Add monitors
monitors = VectorMonitors()
monitors.append( mnScreen(TL, printgen=100) )
monitors.append( mnFile(psi, filename="output/algae.trees", printgen=1) )
monitors.append( mnModel(filename="output/algae.log", printgen=1) )

# Start the MCMC analsis
mymcmc = mcmc(mymodel, monitors, moves, nruns=4, combine="sequential")

Three monitors were created and added to an initially-empty vector. The first is a Screen monitor: this just shows progress on the screen every 100 iterations. The second monitor is a File monitor that stores trees sampled during the run (every one of the 10000 steps will be saved because we specified printgen=1). Finally, we added a Model monitor that saves the parameter values at each of the 10000 generations.

We next created an mcmc variable named mymcmc. We provided it the model (mymodel), a vector of moves (moves), a vector of monitors (monitors), the number of independent MCMC analyses to perform (nruns=4), and instructions about how to combine the output from the 4 independent runs into a single file (combine="sequential").

Finally, we called the run function of our mymcmc object. This is what starts the ball rolling, so to speak. We told it to run for 10000 iterations to generate the posterior sample.

Run your file in RevBayes now. It will stop after it finishes the 10000th iteration. Note that it saved the output in a directory named output, which it generated because you included output/ in each of the output file paths.

Open the file algae.log in Tracer and look at the trace for the Posterior. (Note that you will need to get the file from the cluster back to your laptop in order to open it in tracer.) This file contains the combined output from the four separate files algae_run_1.log, algae_run_2.log, algae_run_3.log, and algae_run_4.log.

:thinking: Explain the downward spikes you see in the posterior trace? (Note: there are actually four such spikes, but the first is difficult to see because it is right at the left edge of the plot.)

:thinking: What would you specify for the mcmc combine option if you wanted the samples from all four runs to be blended together rather than concatenated sequentially? (Hint: go to the RevBayes documentation, scroll down (or search) to find the mcmc documentation in the Workspace Objects section.)

You can eliminate those spikes by inserting a burn-in period before beginning your sampling. Modify the section entitled “Start the MCMC analsis” by adding a call to the function burnin:

# Start the MCMC analsis
mymcmc = mcmc(mymodel, monitors, moves, nruns=4, combine="sequential")
mymcmc.burnin(generations=10000, tuningInterval=100)

Rename your output directory to no-burnin-output as follows:

mv output no-burnin-output

If you now re-run the analysis, the spikes in your algae.log file will be much less aparent because RevBayes will run initially for 10000 iterations to burn-in the chain, tuning its moves every 100 steps. After that, the “robot” will have reached the main “hill” in the posterior and thus the results of the combined parameter sample will be much more homogeneous, which you can verify by downloading algae.log to your laptop and opening it in Tracer.

Calculating the MAP (Maximum A-Posteriori) tree

Add these lines just before the quit() line.

# Post processing #

# Read in the tree trace
treetrace = readTreeTrace("output/algae.trees", treetype="non-clock")

# Calculate the MAP tree
map_tree = mapTree(treetrace,"output/algae-map.tree")

Important Unless you want to waste some time and rerun the MCMC analysis, comment out the lines containing the calls to the mymcmc.run and mymcmc.burnin functions. To comment out a line, simply place a hash character (#) at the beginning of the line to convert the line to a comment.

# mymcmc.run(generations=10000, tuningInterval=100)

Run RevBayes again now to summarize the sampled trees.

After running RevBayes, you should find the file algae-map.tree in your output directory. Bring that file back to your laptop and open it in FigTree.

Expected tree

Remember from the Likelihood lab that the accepted phylogeny (based on much evidence besides these data) places all the chlorophyll-b-containing plastids together (Lockhart, Steel, Hendy, and Penny, 1994).

Thus, there should be an edge in the tree separating the two taxa that do not have chlorophyll b, namely the cyanobacterium Anacystis (which has chlorophyll a and phycobilin accessory pigments) and the chromophyte Olithodiscus (which has chlorophylls a and c) from the 6 other taxa (which all have chlorophylls a and b).

:thinking: Are the chlorophyll b taxa together in the map tree?

Clade posteriors

We do not need to view the tree in FigTree to check whether Anacystis and Anacystis are together. We need only define a clade and ask what its posterior probability is. If it is higher than 0.5, then that clade would make it into a majority rule consensus tree. Add these lines just above quit():

# Calculate the	posterior probability of the chlorophyll-b clade
chlorophyllb <- clade("Anacystis_nidulans", "Olithodiscus")
treetrace.cladeProbability( chlorophyllb )

Run the file in RevBayes.

:thinking: What is the posterior clade probability of the chlorophyll b clade?

Adding rate heterogeneity

We found in the likelihood lab that accommodating rate heterogeneity in the model was important for getting the tree correct. Let’s switch to the JC+G model now to see if that helps. Add these lines any where above the PhyloCTMC section in your script.

# Among-site rate variation #

# Define the shape parameter of a Gamma distribution
alpha ~ dnUniform( 0, 10 )

# Create a deterministic node to model discrete gamma rate heterogeneity
site_relrates := fnDiscretizeGamma( alpha, alpha, 4, false )

# Add a move so that alpha will be estimated
moves.append( mvScale(alpha, weight=2.0) )

# Create a variable representing the proportion of invariable sites
p_inv ~ dnBeta(1,1)

# Add a move so that p_inv will be estimated
moves.append( mvBetaProbability(p_inv, weight=2.0) )

Now we need to modify this line in the PhyloCTMC section to inform the likelihood model of p_inv and site_relrates:

likelihood ~ dnPhyloCTMC(tree=psi, siteRates=site_relrates, pInv=p_inv, Q=Qmatrix, type="RNA")

Now run RevBayes again (being sure to uncomment the mcmc.run line first!).

:thinking: What is the posterior probability of the chlorophyll b clade now that we’ve accommodated rate heterogeneity?

GTR+I+G model

Let’s see if estimating base frequencies and exchangeabilities (i.e. the GTR+I+G model) further increases the posterior probability of the chlorophyll b clade.

Copy your jc.Rev file, calling the copy _gtr.Rev__:

cp jc.Rev gtr.Rev

Edit gtr.Rev, replacing your Substitution model section with this one:

# Substitution Model #

# Create a stochastic node representing nucleotide frequencies
freqs ~ dnDirichlet( v(1,1,1,1) )
moves.append( mvBetaSimplex(freqs, weight=2.0) )
moves.append( mvDirichletSimplex(freqs, weight=1.0) )

# Create a stochastic node representing GTR exchangeabilities
xchg ~ dnDirichlet( v(1,1,1,1,1,1) )
moves.append( mvBetaSimplex(xchg, weight=3.0) )
moves.append( mvDirichletSimplex(xchg, weight=1.5) )

# Create a deterministic node for the GTR rate matrix
Qmatrix := fnGTR(xchg,freqs) 

# Create a constant variable for the rate matrix
# Qmatrix <- fnJC(4)

print("Q matrix: ", Qmatrix)

Both nucleotide relative frequencies (freqs) and GTR exchangeabilities (xchg) are multivariate parameters that are constrained to add to 1, so both are given flat Dirichlet priors. The Dirichlet distribution can have different numbers of parameters (4 for freqs and 6 for xchg), so RevBayes uses a single vector to provide the parameters (which also determines the dimension of the variable). A vector in RevBayes is created using the v() notation.

The moves provided for freq and xchg are appropriate for multivariate parameters that add to 1.0. The term simplex implies this sum-to-1 constraint.

:thinking: Why do we need to create a deterministic node this time rather than a constant node (note that the JC Qmatrix was a constant node)?

Rename your output directory so that it will not be overwritten by the GTR MCMC analysis:

mv output jc-output

Now run RevBayes again, this time providing the gtr.Rev script

rb gtr.Rev

There is a very high probability that RevBayes will report an error at this point. If you get

Missing Variable:	Variable moves does not exist
Error:	Problem processing line 20 in file "gtr.Rev"

type q() to get out of the program, then open your gtr.Rev script in nano and go to line 20 (or whatever line is indicated) by typing Ctrl- and typing in the line number. See if you can figure out what is bothering RevBayes. Hint: the solution will involve relocating the line that says "moves = VectorMoves()" (this is line 45 in my version).

:thinking: What is the posterior probability of the chlorophyll b clade under the GTR+I+G model?

An optional challenge if there’s time

We’ve been applying an Exponential(10) prior to each edge length. As we’ve discussed in lecture, this sometimes induces an unreasonable tree length prior. How would you change your script so that the tree length has an Exponential(10) prior and the edge proportions have a flat Dirichlet prior?

What to turn in

In addition to the :thinking: thinking questions, please use FigTree to view your final algae-map.tree (from the GTR+I+G model), label the branches with posterior clade probabilities, and save the tree thus annotated as a PDF file.